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Privacy Policy

Based on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – hereinafter referred to as “RODO” – we inform you that:

The administrator of the personal data processed in connection with the provided POSEIDON360 Service(s) is RCEPAY Limited Liability Company, based in Warsaw, Ul. Adama Branickiego 15, 02-972 Warsaw, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the city of Warsaw. st. Warsaw, XII Economic Department of the National Court Register, under KRS number: 0000799102; REGON: 384104377; NIP: 7010940027, share capital of PLN 5,000.00 (hereinafter referred to as “administrator” or “RCEPAY”). The administrator can be contacted by letter at the address indicated above or by email at: kontakt@poseidon360.pl.

RCEPAY processes personal data in order to:

  • To confirm an offer and obtain additional data for the purpose of drafting a contract on the basis of consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the DPA);
  • providing information regarding offers or promotions of the administrator’s products and services, i.e. for the purpose of realizing the administrator’s legitimate interest in marketing RCEPAY’s products and services (Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
  • To conclude and perform a contract related to the provision of the POSEIDON360 service (Article 6(1)(b) RODO);
  • Issue accounting documents (Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA).

In connection with contracts entered into by RCEPAY, the implementation of the above processing purposes will involve the transfer of personal data by RCEPAY to other entities, subject to the requirements of the data protection legislation, including on the basis of personal data processing entrustment agreements.

RCEPAY transfers personal data to the following recipients that provide services to RCEPAY:

  • to RCEPAY’s agents who act as intermediaries in presenting offers for products and services offered by RCEPAY;
  • to IT CARD CENTER OF PAYMENT SERVICES S.A., which acts as an intermediary in collecting data for the purpose of confirming the offer and drawing up the contract. IT CARD CENTER OF PAYMENT SERVICES S.A., upon receipt of personal data, will contact (by phone or email) the authorized contact person indicated in the form in order to confirm the offer and obtain additional data needed to draw up the contract. Additional data requested by this company will include, but not be limited to, data on the Customer’s business (including VAT number, bank account number, data on location points), as well as data on persons representing the Customer (e.g., identity document data) and authorized contact persons. If the offer is not confirmed, the additional data described above will not be collected;
  • entities providing the administrator with services other than those listed above, including delivery services (e.g., courier companies) and providing IT support to RCEPAY and its subcontractors.

RCEPAY will also transfer personal data to other entities if the transfer is required in connection with the conclusion of a contract (e.g., a bank that is a clearing agent for payments made at a POS terminal). In addition, RCEPAY will provide personal data to entities to which it is obliged to share it under the law.

Provision of data is voluntary. Failure to provide data will make it impossible to fulfill the purposes of processing stated above, including confirmation of the offer and obtaining data necessary to conclude a contract with the Customer, as well as sending marketing information.

Personal data will be stored for a period of 2 (two) years, unless an obligation to store it for a different period is required by applicable law.

At the same time, we would like to inform you of your right to demand from the controller access to your personal data, their rectification, deletion or restriction of processing, as well as data transfer. In connection with the processing of personal data, you also have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, which in the Republic of Poland is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection. In the case of processing of personal data on the basis of consent, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out until the withdrawal of consent. In the case of data processing for purposes arising from the legitimate interests of the controller, you have the right to object to the processing.

The website www.poseidon360.pl processes the information contained in cookies automatically.

RCEPAY informs you that cookies (“cookies”) are computer data that are stored on a website user’s terminal device. Cookies usually contain the name of the originating website, the length of time they are stored on the end device and a unique number.

Cookies are used for:

  • adapting the content of websites to the user’s preferences and optimizing the use of websites; in particular, these files allow the website user’s device to be recognized and the website to be appropriately displayed, tailored to the user’s individual needs;
  • creation of statistics that help to understand how users use websites, which allows to improve their structure, efficiency and user-directed content;
  • Maintain the user session of the website.

The website www.poseidon360.pl uses the following types of cookies:

  • “indispensable” cookies that enable the use of services available as part of the services provided through www.poseidon360.pl, e.g. authentication cookies used for services that require authentication; cookies for security and fraud detection;
  • “performance” or “statistical” cookies, which allow us to collect information about how the websites are used;
  • “marketing” cookies, allowing to provide Users with advertising content better tailored to their preferences.
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