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Modern Solution for the HoReCa Industry: SoftPOS – Payment Terminal in the Form of Software.

Nowadays, with technology becoming more and more ubiquitous, the HoReCa (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering) industry cannot be left behind either. One of the latest and most innovative solutions gaining popularity in the industry is SoftPOS, a software-based payment terminal. This is a revolutionary approach to payments that brings a number of benefits to both businesses and their customers.

Benefits of using SoftPOS:

  • Saving on expenses: With SoftPOS, HoReCa entrepreneurs can reduce costs associated with leasing additional electronic equipment. Instead of investing in traditional payment terminals, they can install the SoftPOS application on versatile devices such as the Sunmi V3Mix, which feature NFC technology and Android. This means spending less on purchasing or leasing equipment, which translates into savings for businesses.
  • Increasing sales space: Traditional payment terminals take up valuable counter space, limiting available space for products or customer service. Using SoftPOS, entrepreneurs can reduce the amount of equipment on the counter, which translates into more space for customers and more freedom in arranging the sales space.
  • Increased sales: With more counter space available, businesses can focus on showcasing products or special offers, which can help increase sales. Less equipment on the counter also means faster and more efficient customer service, which promotes a positive shopping experience and encourages customers to visit again.
  • Environmental benefits: Fewer electronics means less electro-waste in the future. With SoftPOS, businesses can contribute to environmental protection by reducing the amount of electronic equipment that ends up in landfills. This is an ecological approach to doing business that is worth appreciating and supporting.
  • Easy integration with other solutions: SoftPOS for Android works perfectly with software for the HoReCa industry, such as that offered by www.poseidon360.pl. In addition, it fits well with the fiscal cash register in the form of software www.xpay.com.pl. As a result, businesses can benefit from a comprehensive customer service and payment system that meets all their needs. One device and many benefits.


SoftPOS is not only a modern payment solution, but also a tool that can help improve business efficiency and have a positive impact on the environment. With SoftPOS, HoReCa entrepreneurs can save money, increase sales and provide a better shopping experience for their customers. It’s an investment that benefits both business and the environment.

If you are an entrepreneur in the HoReCa industry and are looking for a way to improve the efficiency of your business, consider introducing SoftPOS to your operation. This is a modern solution that can change the way you handle payments and manage your premises.

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