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A revolution in billing: Cash registers in the form of software for the HoReCa industry

Until now, the fiscal cash register has been associated with an additional, expensive and functionally limited device that takes up valuable space on the sales counter. This approach to recording sales is thankfully becoming a thing of the past. The revolution is already happening and everyone can benefit from low-cost and flexible cash registers that take the form of software.

In recent times, modern entrepreneurs are increasingly using a fiscal cash register in the form of software. This is a modern solution that allows you to keep records of sales digitally. Advanced technologies are eliminating the need for traditional cash registers, replacing them with software that runs on electronic devices such as tablets, android payment terminals or smartphones. Fiscal cash registers taking the form of software offer all the functions of traditional fiscal cash registers, including generating fiscal receipts and storing transaction data at significant savings compared to classic fiscal devices.

Nowadays, with technology constantly evolving, the HoReCa (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering) industry is not lagging behind either. One of the very beneficial solutions introduced to the market is the software cash register, also known as “software cash register.” This innovative approach to the traditional cash register system brings a number of benefits to both business owners and the environment.

Among the many benefits, let’s look at the most important ones. The use of fiscal cash registers that take the form of software includes:

  • No investment in equipment required: Traditional cash registers require the purchase of expensive equipment. In the case of cash register software, the only requirement is an android payment terminal or tablet, which is already often available in catering establishments to conduct sales.
  • Low price per use: Instead of incurring large expenses to purchase and maintain a traditional cash register, users of cash register software pay a low monthly fee to use the service.
  • No paid maintenance: Traditional cash registers require regular maintenance, which is usually costly. In the case of cash register software, this problem does not exist, because the regulations do not impose an obligation to periodically review cash registers that have software form.
  • Less burden on the environment: No physical fiscal printer means less electro-waste and less burden on the environment.
  • No need to replace the device, every five years: Few people know, but every fiscal device sold in Poland has a lifespan specified by fiscal cash register manufacturers. It’s all about fiscal memory and the ability to store about 1,830 daily reports. This means that by doing a daily daily report, the fiscal memory will be full after 5 years. Instead of buying a new device every 5 years, it is better to use software at a low monthly price.
  • More counter space: The counter is a very valuable space for presenting offerings (extra drinks, snacks, other products bought on the spur of the moment). By eliminating unnecessary equipment, you will gain additional space that will generate additional sales. It is worth rethinking the arrangement of your sales space to maximize your turnover and customer satisfaction.

To summarize. If you are in a business where it is possible to use a cash register in the form of software, think about the above benefits before you make a decision. Remember that the cash register cannot be sold, so the decision is irreversible and you cannot get your money back. In the case of a cash register taking the form of software, there is no such restriction. You simply end the use of the software by selecting a special function. You then rip the data from the cash register and submit it to the Tax Authority. And you sell the tablet or phone on, recouping at least part of the outlay. A benefit to you, a benefit to the environment and a benefit to the next equipment user.

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