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Modern Solution for HoReCa Industry: Self-service stations. Gosh, a pub with a Kiosk!

Self-service cash registers are taking the market by storm. It’s a process we primarily see in the grocery store category. However, in recent quarters, the number of self-service devices has also been growing rapidly in food service establishments. This is an indisputable fact. The observed trend related to the evolution of consumer service is due to a number of factors, several of which I describe below and leave for your consideration.

Faster service: Self-ordering and the ability to pay for an order immediately reduces customer service time at the premises. This results in the ability to serve more customers in less time. And that, in turn, means more revenue and a possible increase in profits. Fast service is important during particularly busy hours. Extended wait times are one possible reason for the restaurant’s negative rating.

Pressure to increase wages: The labor market is becoming increasingly competitive when it comes to getting an employee. The demographic structure and employees’ salary expectations put employers at a disadvantage. The high cost of salaries is a huge challenge for any restaurant. A self-service kiosk is a one-time investment that will not expect a salary increase, does not get sick and does not need a replacement.

Minimum wage increase: Directly related to the upward pressure on wages is the state’s minimum wage policy. In Poland, as of January 2024, the minimum wage increased to PLN 4242 gross, a jump of PLN 752 (21.5%) compared to 2023. Another change will take place as of July 1, when the minimum wage reaches 4,300 zloty gross. It is expected that the minimum wage will continue to be dynamically raised, which will further justify the investment in self-service stations.

Quick return on investment: A self-service kiosk is a one-time investment in hardware (details of the hardware in the following section) and a low monthly subscription for all necessary components, i.e.: POSEIDON360 sales software and cash register in the form of XKASA software. Depending on the restaurant’s location, equipment configuration and business assumptions, the investment in a self-service stand can pay for itself in as little as 1 month. Such a rate of return, although ambitious, is possible because the kiosk works reliably and without interruption during the restaurant’s working hours, which is usually more than 8 hours a day (no overtime). Secondly, the use of a self-service stand increases sales due to faster customer service, which translates into more meals being served over time.

No high fixed costs: The biggest challenge of any entrepreneur is the fixed costs that have to be handled regardless of the season and regardless of turnover and profits. Fixed costs primarily include salaries and wages and usually represent the largest cost item next to rent for the premises. It is extremely rare for solutions to emerge that allow fixed costs to be reduced easily. Self-service kiosks provide such an opportunity. In terms of costs, the self-service kiosk allows for a reduction in wait staff, which directly improves the bottom line of the restaurant.

First of all, we gain increased sales due to faster service and the ability to serve meals to more customers in less time. Second, self-service kiosks mean potentially lower fixed costs related to salaries paid. Thirdly, the premises, thanks to its modern image, can attract new customers and become a more frequently visited place. Fourth, at times of lower occupancy in the premises, the minimum staffing level is sufficient. These are just a selection of the benefits of self-service kiosks. However, these alone are enough to seriously consider implementing a self-service kiosk with the POSEIDON360 SelfOrder module.

Extremely dynamic technological advances make it possible to use advanced self-service stations in catering establishments of all sizes, regardless of profile and nature. Among the most advanced solutions for self-service, we can point to Android kiosks, which with their functionality surpass other solutions currently available on the market.

A well-chosen Android kiosk will be a device that together with POSEIDON360:

  • It provides the customer with a large touch screen of almost 22 inches. The touch-screen operation that customers are familiar with from their cell phones will allow them to quickly master the ordering process without training. Intuitive and easy to use, your customers will love ordering on their own and won’t wait for a waiter so they can enjoy a tasty meal faster.
  • It allows accepting payment cards while eliminating the cost of leasing a payment terminal. That’s because POSEIDON360 works with the best payment terminal providers in the form of software to be installed on your kiosk. You can read more here: Modern Solution for the HoReCa Industry: SoftPOS – Payment Terminal in the Form of Software (poseidon360.pl).
  • It allows you to make sales without incurring the cost associated with purchasing a fiscal printer. This cost currently (years: 2023-2024) oscillates between ~3700-4000 PLN gross. POSEIDON360, together with XKASA and SoftPOS, will save nearly 4,000 from day one. You can read more here: A revolution in billing: Fiscal cash registers in the form of software for the HoReCa industry (poseidon360.pl) Other kiosks on the market require the installation of a fiscal printer and the regular cost associated with maintenance. Choose wisely.
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